8 July 2021

St Clair Recreation Centre leads Social Sports

St Clair Recreation Centre has grown the YMCA’s community footprint across the wider Adelaide area through its Social Sports initiative.

With over 1500 registered participants in Social Sports, community engagement at the City of Charles Sturt’s showcase recreation facility continues to grow and now include residents from the city’s northern and southern suburbs.

St Clair Recreation Centre Stadium Sports Director, Travis Beard, said the initiative was an outstanding example of the YMCA’s commitment to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle throughout all community segments.

In total, we would have 1500 to 2000 participants per season in our Social Sports competitions and around the same in our school competitions, so the impact is significant.

“In total, we would have 1500 to 2000 participants per season in our Social Sports competitions and around the same in our school competitions, so the impact is significant,” he said. “St Clair Recreation Centre is a well-known sporting hub in the wider western suburbs community and we are now reaching out to residents from other suburbs who are happy to travel to enjoy using a state-of-the-art facility.”

“We currently have 140 social teams and nearly 160 school teams playing stadium sports socially including basketball, netball and futsal on afternoons and nights each week. The Social Sports competitions are open to all ages from 16 upwards while school competitions are for grades Reception to Year 7,” said Mr Beard.

Competitions currently run at St Clair include:

  • Social Mixed Netball (18 teams)
  • Social Ladies Netball (23 teams)
  • Social Futsal (20 teams)
  • Social Basketball (80 teams)
  • School Basketball (108 teams)
  • School Netball (50 teams)

The centre has also recently upgraded its software systems to create more user friendly and efficient access to stadium sports participants. Gameday software – used by Basketball SA and the AFL – enables digital scoring and statistics tracking, while Teammo software is aimed at better record keeping and facilitating smooth participant/team payments.

To learn more about Social Sports at St Clair Recreation Centre visit stclair.ymca.org.au/sport.